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Stations Producers Viewers Press Educators Fall Marketplace APT Worldwide

EXPO Specialty Cocktailsponsored

Date: Tuesday, November 15
Sponsorship Fee: $250+

Sponsor a specialty cocktail at the EXPO event, and enjoy some high-profile promotion for your program! Sponsor pays for the cost of the cocktail estimated at $5,500-6,500 depending on the beverage, plus the Sponsorship fee. Benefits include:
  • Advance promotion on APT website
  • Two (2) guest meal tickets (to be used at meals or receptions, not General Session)
  • Registrant list for advance use (provided on request after Oct. 14)
  • Event food & beverage provided by APT (excluding the Specialty Cocktail)
  • Listing in Agenda
  • Waived stuffing fee to promote in the meeting tote bags
  • APT Fall Marketplace sponsor sign
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