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Leanne Kaʻiulani Ferrer Content Fellowship Award

To honor the public media legacy of filmmaker Leanne Kaʻiulani Ferrer, American Public Television offers the Leanne Kaʻiulani Ferrer Content Fellowship Award.

This award will provide a BIPOC producer with the opportunity to have an expense-paid attendance to APT Fall Marketplace or, if attending Fall Marketplace is not possible, a day with APT leadership at its Boston office.  In addition, the fellowship recipient will have access to APT expertise and feedback from our team throughout the fellowship year.

To learn more about the Fellowship Award as well as how to apply, please download the application.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until September 6, 2024

The Scholarship Award recipient will be notified by October 4, 2024.

Please send applications or questions to:

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